GREI Co. – Global Real Estate Investment Company, LLC Accessibility Policy.
The objective of this policy is to ensure that we meet the requirements of the Accessibility for everybody and promote its underlying core principles.
GREI Co. – Global Real Estate Investment Company, LLC (“GREI Co., LLC”) is committed to providing a barrier-free environment and barrier-free services for all clients and prospective clients. Our Accessibility Policy was created to guide our efforts to ensure that our offices, products and services are equally accessible to all members of the public. This policy applies to all GREI Co. locations in United States of America and around world.
Our Accessibility Policy outlines the responsibilities of all employees and others who deal with the public on behalf of GREI providing services to people with disabilities.
Core Principles of our Accessibility Policy:
⦁ Dignity – as valued clients, persons with a disability must be treated with respect and dignity at all times.
⦁ Equality of Opportunity – persons with a disability should be given equal opportunity to obtain, use and benefit from our services.
⦁ Integration – persons with a disability should benefit from our services in the same or similar place and manner as any other client. Where this is not possible, services will be provided in a way that takes into account the person`s individual needs.
⦁ Independence – services must be provided in a way that respects the independence of persons with a disability. We are always willing to assist a person with a disability but we will not do so without the permission of the person.
Assistive Devices
We will ensure that our team is trained and familiar with various assistive devices that may be used by people with disabilities while visiting our offices in New York City and another locations.
We will communicate with people with disabilities in a manner appropriate to a person`s disability. We are committed to ensuring that our internet website and web content conforms to the requirements of the Integrated Accessibility Standard and are actively working towards that objective.
Support Persons and Service Animals
Persons with disabilities sometime rely on the assistance of support persons and/or services animals. Both support persons and service animals are always welcome to accompany a person with disabilities.
Notice of Temporary Disruption
Clients and prospective clients with disabilities will be promptly notified in the event we experience a planned or unexpected disruption to the delivery of services in or from our offices in New York City. We will communicate the reason for the disruption, how long the disruption may last and describe alternative facilities or services that may be available. Such notice will be posted on our website at and/or in the reception areas of affected offices.
Training for Staff
GREI Co. provides training to employees and others in New York City and another locations who deal with the public on our behalf as well as to every person who participates in developing GREI Co.’s policies, practices and procedures on providing services. The training will be provided to all staff when they commence their employment with GREI Co. and additional training will be provided when changes are made to our Accessibility Policy, practices and procedures. GREI Co. maintains records of the training provided, including the training protocol, the dates on which the training was provided and the number of individuals to whom the training is provided.
Training will include:
⦁ A review of our Accessibility Policy related to the customer service standard;
⦁ How to interact and communicate with people with various disabilities;
⦁ How to interact with people with disabilities who use an assistive device or require the assistance of a service animal or support person;
⦁ How to use equipment or devices that may help a client with disabilities access our services;
⦁ How to assist a person with a disability who is having difficulty accessing our services;
⦁ Notification of changes to our Accessibility Policy and we will provide additional training resulting from such change if necessary
⦁ An overview of the Accessibility, its regulations and the requirements of the customer service standard.
Modifications to this or other Policies
We are committed to client service policies that respect and promote the dignity and independence of people with disabilities. Any policy that does not adhere to this will be modified or removed. Other changes to our Accessibility Policy may result from client feedback, changes to the Act or its regulations.
GREI Co. aims to meet or surpass client expectations in servicing clients with disabilities. We welcome feedback on how we are doing.
All feedback will be directed to our Compliance Department. Complaints will be addressed according to GREI Co.’s regular complaint management procedures and clients can expect to hear back from us within 10 business days. Additionally, all documents required by the Customer Service Standard are available upon request. If necessary, such documents will be provided in alternative format to take into account the person’s disability.
Questions, feedback and complaints regarding GREI Co.’s Accessibility Policy can be directed to:
Compliance Department
GREI Co. – Global Real Estate Investment Company, LLC
30 Wall Street, 8th Floor, NYC-NY-USA | ZIP 10005-2205
Fax: +1 (646) 712 9781
Hotline: +1 (646) 712 9780
General inquiries: